Ania Name Meaning and Origin


What Does Ania mean?

Ania is a Muslim Girl Name. Ania name meaning is Grace (فضل). It is originating from multiple languages. On this page, you will get all the related information about the name Ania like Name Number, Lucky Color, and Impression, etc.

A general assessment of the Personality and Passion of people with the name Ania is also mentioned below. Astrological or Horoscopic Facts are very popular these days. The Ruling Planet and Life stone of the name Ania are also listed below in the table.

Ania name Summary

Ania’s name meaning is discussed here briefly. Also, the passion of the Ania name meaning is also mentioned here. Ania’s name meaning, origin, numerology and life passion is also mentioned in the table.

Name: AniaAnia Name Origin: Multiple
Ania Name MeaningAnia name meaning is Grace (فضل)
Name/Density NumberNumber 7 Surprising Facts
Lucky ColorPurple
Life StoneMoon Stone, Flawless Gem
Passion of LifeA highly developed mind and a fine intuition.
Ruling PlanetMoon

Popular Names


Numerology of the name Ania

Numerology is the study of the mystical relationship between our life and numbers. These numbers can be used to evaluate the personality, life and even predict someone’s future. Ania name meaning numerology is calculated below:

Numerology Table Chart
It is the framework of your personality. This Numerology Chart shows the basic information about who you are and why you have come to this world.

Name Number or Destiny Number:

Name Number is derived from all the letters of your name.

ANIA = 1 + 5 + 9 + 1 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7

Describes our character and inner strength.
7 = Intuition, desire to have secrets.

Soul urge number or Heart’s desire: 

The soul urge number is derived from the vowels of your name.

AIA = 1 + 9 + 1 = 11

Describes our inner ideals and hidden desires.
11 = The desire to promote originality and exceptional plans.

Personality number: 

The personality number is derived from the consonants of your name.

N = 5 = 5

Describes the real value of our character.
5 = Constant movement, a lot of experience.

Personality of the name Ania

In Alphabetical OR Letter Analysis of the name Ania, you will get all the characteristics of every single alphabet or letter in the name Ania. Letter Analysis provides a very deep study of the name’s personality. We hope you enjoy it.

LettersCharacteristics of Ania Name Meaning
AYour sense of analyzing life is very stronger and you are a reasonable person too.
NYou have a higher ability in life and a great common sense. You see the thing much before then they happen.
IYou are the most sensitive & emotional person. You can be easily hurt by someone.
AYour sense of analyzing life is very stronger and you are a reasonable person too.

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