Italian Names with Meaning

Are you looking for a perfect Italian Name for your Newborn Baby? Here you can find all the perfect Italian Names with Meaning for your beloved child.

AbramoBoyFather of a multitude
AlbertaGirlNoble and bright
AlbertoBoyBright nobility
AldoBoyOld or wise
AlessandraGirlDefender of mankind
AlfonsoBoyNoble and eager
AnnamariaGirlBitter grace
AmedeoBoyTo love God

Italian Names

Italian parents choose their child’s name based on their grandfather’s name, first, they choose their father’s family name and then their mother’s family name. Until recently, the names of Italians were always names for saints or other strong religious meanings. By understanding the Italian language, you can maintain this tradition even if the person is not Italian. Or you can choose a name that has an ancient Roman root.

The Italian names are the most romantic names and melodies in the world. The classic Italian menu for children includes a description of the character and fate of the person based on his name, for example, the boy named Donato will be beautiful and impressive, while Elaria is optimistic and social.

Among the 100 best girls in the U.S., Italian names include Aria, Bella, Gianna, Isabella, and Mia. For kids, Italian names are in the top 200 in the US UU. Among them are Antonio, Emiliano, Giovanni, Leonardo, and Lucca.

The Italian name consists of the specified name (first name) and last name (Cognome). Usually, the last name is written after the specified name. In the official file, the last name can be written before the specified name. In the speech, it was common for the former family name to be used in an educated way, but the effect of bureaucracy did the opposite before.

The Italian name has a fixed name + Cognome structure, which has nothing to do with the term Roman doctrine, which uses a triple system with a specific name + gentile name + genetic name or the name of a person or name.

For example, the Italian surname does not resemble the ancient Roman woman, because the first is the exact name (the difference between brothers and sisters), and the last is the name of the pagans (inherited, and common to all generations). Among the Romans and ancient Italians, the traditional rules for naming and renaming women differ after adopting both genders. In addition, the number of Romans is small and its importance is decreasing, with a wide range, which contrasts with the current Italian name.

In Italy, the person’s name can also be identified with “today”, which is called “Onomastic”. The date of the name is determined by Sanctorale, a cycle found in the World Calendar of Rome, which gives saints some saints almost every day, so different names can be celebrated on the same day.
Parents use the same name to designate the child’s favorite saint (on different days) to define the child’s name as a day of baptism, and the child will take the name throughout his life. If there are many names, the child will only celebrate the name, usually the first name.

Traditional rules (especially common in Tuscany) refer to the use of specific articles when they refer only to pseudonyms (in most cases, in some letters before vowels and consonants, and before consonants in consonants) ‘). Then, Mario Russo is known as Russo (“Russo”). Now, some people prefer to use articles only for historical titles (“l’Ariosto”, “il Manzoni”, etc.)

In addition to the common use of the area in the north, the male title will not be an essay before. However, in Tuscany and other parts of northern Italy, the name of a particular woman usually begins with the article (Maria, Gianna) unless someone talks about an unknown woman (for example, Maria Strada, but Cleopatra). This is also the rule of traditional rules.