David name meaning and Origin


What Does David mean?

David is an English Boy Name. David name meaning is Beloved (محبوب). It is originating from the Biblical Hebrew language (Israel). On this page, you will get all the related information about the name David like Name Number, Lucky Color, and Impression, etc.

A general assessment of the Personality and Passion of people with the name David is also mentioned below. Astrological or Horoscopic Facts are very popular these days. The Ruling Planet and Life stone of the name David are also listed below in the table.

David name Summary

David’s name meaning is discussed here briefly. Also, the passion of David’s name meaning is also mentioned here.

Name: David David Name Origin: Biblical Hebrew
David Name Meaning David name meaning is Beloved (محبوب).
Religion Israel
Gender Male
Name/Density Number Number 22 Surprising Facts
Lucky Color Orange
Life Stone Pearl, Moon Stone
Passion of Life Highly considerate, sensitive, and intuitive.
Ruling Planet Moon

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Numerology of the name David

Numerology Table Chart
It is the framework of your personality. This Numerology Chart shows the basic information about who you are and why you have come to this world.

Numerology is the study of the mystical relationship between our life and numbers. These numbers can be used to evaluate personality, life, and even predict someone’s future. David name meaning numerology is calculated below:

Name Number or Destiny Number:

Name Number is derived from all the letters of your name.

DAVID = 4 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 4 = 22

Describes our character and inner strength.
22 = Inspiration, ambition.

Soul urge number or Heart’s desire: 

The soul urge number is derived from the vowels of your name.

AI = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1

Describes our inner ideals and hidden desires.
1 = The desire to succeed, be above average, and for controling own destiny.

Personality number: 

The personality number is derived from the consonants of your name.

DVD = 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

Describes the real value of our character.
3 = Success through cooperation with others.

Personality of the name David

In Alphabetical OR Letter Analysis of the name David, you will get all the characteristics of every single alphabet or letter in the name David. In David name meaning; Alphabetical OR Letter Analysis provides a very deep study of the name’s personality. We hope you enjoy it.

Letters Characteristics of David Name Meaning
D You enjoy your life and having fun. Laterally you are addicted to them. Without fun, you can’t breathe.
A Your sense of analyzing life is very stronger and you are a reasonable person too.
V You don’t care for anyone and also not about what they think of you. You can’t be affected by anything.
I You are the most sensitive & emotional person. You can be easily hurt by someone.
D You enjoy your life and having fun. Laterally you are addicted to them. Without fun, you can’t breathe.

History of David Name Meaning

It is serious and simple, it has a deep scriptural basis and a special resonance with the Jews, and the Star of David is a symbol of Judaism. In the sixth century, David became the patron saint of Wales and was always a popular choice in Wales. David’s royal name is widely used in many cultures and is a safe and durable choice. The Hebrew name וִד (David) is derived from the Hebrew word דּוֹד (Ministry of Defense), which means “beloved” or ” uncle.” David is the second and greatest king of Israel and ruled in the tenth century BC. The Old Testament tells several stories of him, including his defeat of the Palestinian giant Goliath.

David was a strong but humble shepherd that became God’s choice to replace Saul as king of Israel. He is humble but stubborn and easily rejects human opinions. When he killed the giant with a slingshot stone, his modesty showed in his youth, which reduced the opportunity to use Saul’s royal armor. Since the Social Security Administration began keeping records in 1880, David has been among the top 50 professional players and has been in the top 50 since 1880. Its highest ranking was in 1960, at number one. Children appeared 86,253 times in 1955.Meaning of the name David. Meaning: This is an old Irish name meaning ” graceful, graceful&quot.

Ireland’s last pagan king, Dithi, ruled from 405 AD to 426 AD, and he had 24 sons. Because David shed so much blood, God rejected David’s opportunity to build the temple. Before his peaceful death, he chose his son Suleiman as his successor. He is revered as the ideal king and future ancestor of Christ in prophetic literature, and many poems are attributed to him. Explained in the Hebrew Bible as the third king of the joint ownership of Israel and Judah, who became king after the nest Bohit: David (וִד the Hebrew).

In ” The Book of Samuel&quot, David is a young shepherd who is first known as a musician, then later famous for killing the enemy hero Goliath. He became a favorite of King Saul and became a close friend of Saul’s son Jonathan. Saul was worried about David’s desire to take the throne, so David turned. After Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle, David was anointed as gold. David occupied Jerusalem, brought the ark of the covenant to the city, and established the kingdom that Saul had founded.

As king, David committed adultery with Bathsheba, which led him to arrange the death of Uriah, the Hittite husband. Absalom, David’s son, planned David’s heart. David fled Jerusalem during Absalom’s uprising, but after Absalom’s death, he returned to Jerusalem to rule Israel. Because David shed so much blood, God rejected David’s opportunity to build the temple. Before his peaceful death, he chose his son Suleiman as his successor.

He is revered as the ideal king and future ancestor of Christ in prophetic literature, and many poems are attributed to him. Historians of the ancient Near East agreed that David may have existed around 1000 BC, but as a historical figure, there is very little data on him. Initially, it was thought that there was no evidence of David’s existence outside the Bible, but Dan Stele’s hill contained a piece of the King of Damascus erected in the late 9th to early 8th centuries BC to commemorate his defeat of two rival kings in the inscription.

The phrase in Hebrew: ביתדוד, bytdwd, most scholars translate it as ” the house of David.” David is richly represented in the written and oral Jewish traditions behind the Bible and is discussed in the New Testament. The early Christians explained the life of Jesus based on references to Christ and David. In Matthew and Luke, Jesus is described as a descendant of David. David is discussed in the Quran as the prophet and the main figure in Islamic oral and written traditions. For hundreds of years, David’s biblical character has inspired many artistic and literary interpretations.

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